I am a software engineer with a decade of experience, primarily building web services. I have spent much of my career so far at early stage startups and I enjoy the breadth of skills it requires. I am currently a Staff Software Engineer at Grow Therapy, working to make therapy more accessible.

You can see more details about my previous jobs on my resume.

I work with various organizations to help increase the diversity of the software engineering field. Including:

  • co-organizer for Codecinella, a Madison WI based meetup looking to strengthen our community, and to encourage more women and non-binary folks to become involved in the technology field.
  • co-organizer for DevFestWI, a positive, inclusive conference for all technologists.
  • former intern manager for Maydm

I enjoy sharing my knowledge and have given a handful of talks at local meetups and conferences. You can find slides for those talks on my talks page.